Idaho Acupuncture Association
Serving Idaho Acupuncturists Since 1986



revised April 14, 2007


Section I - Name
The name of the organization shall be "IDAHO ACUPUNCTURE ASSOCIATION."

Section II - Purpose
The Idaho Acupuncture Association has been founded for the following purposes:

A. To create a meeting place for Idaho acupuncturists;

B. To share knowledge, ideas, and concerns about acupuncture, Oriental medicine, and related therapies with each other;

C. To educate the general public about acupuncture and Oriental medicine;

D. To actively promote and support positive legislation regarding acupuncture and Oriental medicine;

E. To provide a list of nominees to the Governor for appointment to the State Board of Acupuncture;

F. To support and encourage National goals congruent with the Idaho Acupuncture Association goals;

G. To support and encourage the maintenance of the National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine;

H. To support and encourage the organization's members to earn certification from the NCCAOM: and

I. To support and encourage continuing education of acupuncturists.


Section I - Statement of Policy
This organization shall make no distinction related to gender, age, race, creed, or national origin

Section II - Membership Categories
A. Professional Voting Membership

B. Supporting Membership

Section III- Definition of Membership Categories
A. Professional Voting Membership -- An acupuncturist who is licensed or certified by and whose primary practice is in the State of Idaho and is currently a paid member of the Idaho Acupuncture Association.

B. Supporting Membership -- nonvoting status, members who support the goals of the Idaho Acupuncture Association, to include licensed or certified acupuncturists without a current practice in Idaho, acupuncture students, and non-acupuncturists.

Section IV - Membership Fees
A. Professional Voting Membership - Annual fee to be set by the Board and due prior to the Annual Fall Meeting.

B. Supporting Membership - Annual fee to be set by the Board and due prior to the Annual Fall Meeting.

Section V - Termination of Membership
A. The Board of the Association may terminate or suspend a membership for nonpayment of fees or for conduct which the Board deems inappropriate to the best interests of the Association. The Board shall notify the member who is the subject of the proposed action sixty (60) days prior notice of the proposed expulsion. The member may submit a written statement to the Board regarding the proposed action not less than ten (10) days before the effective date of termination. The Board shall review such statement and determine the mitigating effect of all information then make a determination of termination or reactivating of the membership.

Section VI - Time and Place of Meeting and Bylaw Revisions
A. Annual Meeting: to have an annual meeting in the fall, place to be determined by the Board of the Association.

B. Additional Meeting: the Board shall have the power to call any other meeting as needed, in particular, in regards to promoting legislative action. All members shall be informed in as timely a manner as possible as to the time and location of said meeting.

C. By-Law Revisions: Any proposed additions or changes to the bylaws would be distributed to the voting members at least thirty (30) days prior to when voting will occur. The proposed changes are to be voted on by those Professional Voting Members present at the next official Idaho Acupuncture Association meeting or by mail-in ballot. Any amendment needs a simple majority to pass.


Section I - Composition of the Board
The Idaho Acupuncture Association will be governed by a Board of Directors chosen from the voting membership consisting of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Officer.

Section II - Terms of Office
A. Length of Term -- Each Board Member shall serve a term of two years. Election will be held at the annual meeting. Elections for President, Secretary, and Membership Officer will take place in even-numbered years. The Board will be chosen by the Association's Professional Voting Membership.

B. Vacated officer positions - If an officer vacates his/her position or is recalled before the term is finished, the other officers will appoint a member to fill that position for the remainder of the term.

C. Recall of Officers -- Officers may be recalled by a majority vote of the Board of Directors for non-performance of duties. The Board shall notify the officer who is the subject of the proposed action with 60 days prior notice of the proposed expulsion. The officer may submit a written statement to the Board regarding the proposed action not less than 10 days before the effective date of termination. The Board shall review such statement and determine the mitigating effect of all information and then make a determination of termination or reactivating of the officership. If no such statement is received from the officer, the original recall will stand.

Section III - Responsibilities of Officers
A. President -- The President shall preside over all meetings and will direct the group in general.

B. Vice-President -- The Vice-President shall preside over meetings in the absence of the President, and shall act as the contact person for communications with the IAA lobbyist.

C. Secretary -- The Secretary shall keep a record of meetings of the Association and be responsible for communications within the Association. The Secretary shall be responsible for answering communications from outside the Association and shall publish the newsletter and be the contact person for the webmaster. In exchange for newsletter publishing and website tasks, the secretary shall receive a free IAA membership for that year.

D. Treasurer -- The Treasurer shall supervise the funds of the Association and prepare the biannual financial report to be available at the biannual meetings. The treasurer is responsible for making sure all current officers are listed as signers on the IAA bank account, and for removing non-current officers from the signature card, as well as for payment of all bills, creating and mailing invoices, recording payments received, and communicating with the Secretary and Membership Officer regarding bills, invoices, and payments received as necessary.

E. Membership Officer -- The Membership Officer shall collect and deposit dues payments and keep a written list of all members, including date and amount of dues paid, address of record, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address. Officer shall create and distribute a receipt and a certificate of membership to each member at the time payment is received, and head up membership drives.

Section IV -- Communication of Officers
A. E-mail-- All officers must be willing and capable of e-mail communication with other officers. E-mail must be responded to within 48 hours.

B. Phone-- All officers must be willing and capable of phone communication with other officers. Phone messages must be responded to within 24 hours.

Section V -- Committees
A. Public Connection Committee- This committee shall set, review, and deal with newsletter and website issues, and advertising rates and policies under the direction of the Secretary.

B. E-mail Responder Committee-- This committee shall answer e-mails directed to the IAA by members or nonmembers.

C. Newsletter Assistant Committee -- This committee will assist the secretary with such newsletter-related tasks as printing mail labels, writing articles, and proofreading associated with the newsletter and other written member communications.

D. Other Committees -- Other committees may be formed as needed to carry out the duties and activities of the IAA.